Sunday, July 4, 2010

Madeleines (the easy way!)

My mother and I were looking for a fun, relatively easy cookie recipe the other night and I was searching through all her cookbooks she's had since my early childhood (or earlier) and ran across one for Madeleines. I'd never had them (or made them, for that matter) but it sounded pretty easy and the recipe said we could make them in a regular muffin tin rather than buying the expensive French tin that you're SUPPOSED to use. So we try it, and they are delicious! Turns out, the muffin tin works just fine, though they aren't nearly as cute. Anyway, so here is the original recipe, along with one variation we've tried so far! Enjoy!

1 c sugar
3 small (or 2 large/jumbo) eggs
1/2 c butter (melted)
1/2 tsp vanilla OR grated lemon rind
1 c flour
pinch salt
1 tsp baking powder

Preheat oven to 325 degrees
beat sugar and eggs together until light and lemon colored. stir in flour, baking powder and salt until no lumps. add melted butter and vanilla OR lemon rind and stir until completely incorporated. lightly butter tin and fill (only 1/4 full for regular muffin tins). bake 20 mins, or until just lightly brown around edges. makes approximately 24 cookies. Original recipe from Kaye Johns Family Cookbook.

VARIATION: We added two tbsp cocoa powder and they were fantastic!

P.S. If you aren't already aware, we are ALWAYS trying new things with existing recipes. We like to see if other things will work, add more flavor, substitute if we're out of things.. I'll be sure and let you know if something we try DIDN'T work, but most of the time, it turns out just fine (and sometimes, even better than the original!) Cook it e-Sally!

This may sound familiar, but....

I, along with my mother, have decided to create a blog about the things we come up with to cook. She has most of the ideas, but I do all the cooking. It's super fun, and we thought that somewhere out there, people might be looking for new things for dinner but might be scared to try them. I'm here to tell you, we only use the easiest ways possible to make the most incredible food you'll ever eat! Trust me, there is absolutely NO reason to be afraid of ANY of these recipes!